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Photovoltaic power plants

Together with our strategic partner EVERCON sp. z o.o. we develop large-scale PV power projects throughout Poland.


As part of our project development process, we: ​: ​


- Examine the formal and legal land requirements

- Design and execute feasibility studies

- Design and obtain environmental approvals

- Obtain local zoning approval

- Design and obtain a connection to the power grid

- Secure building permits

- Prepare and participate in renewable energy auctions

- Supervise EPC tenders

- Supervise the construction of the solar power plant

- Complete final commissioning of the solar power plant

Farma fotowoltaiczna - Image by Derek Sutton
Farma paneli solarnych - Image by Andreas Gücklhorn
Farma fotowoltaiczna - Image by American Public Power Association
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